Friday, June 18, 2010

Shifting Paradigms

So, I have been out of work for almost 18 months. It sucks balls. And it's not for lack of trying. I have sent out multiple resumes every week since about late March last year; then, as time progressed, multiple resumes daily. Not one interview. I have even updated my resume. Still no luck. I think the one thing working against me is that there is no way to follow up. Companies seem to have lost interest in the human aspect of human resources. I mean, the last job I had, it took a long time to hear back, even for just the initial phone interview. I think it was about a month before I received an offer...weird. And now, I keep sending resumes out and have no way of checking to see if they've been received, let alone considered for interview. I don't like it.

You know what else I don't like? The way people have taken to thinking everything is too unsafe for children. It seems that today's parent has become overly protective. They don't seem to allow their children to do anything without adult supervision. My parents would send me to the store for things, by myself. I used to ride the bus or my bike to school. Or walk. I was allowed to stay home by myself during the summer months and able to go to my friends' home whenever, just to go hang out. I think it's sad that you don't see kids out running around as much as we did when we were does this lady - Lenore Skenazy, you should check out her blog.

Paradigms shift, sometime to the detriment of the world at large. More later


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