Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Quicky

So today at work the Operations department brought stuff from the old off-site storage place to add the warehouse. Among the items brought was a dinosaur head...well, actually it is the cast for a dino head. I'm thinkin' I have to score a metric fuckton of duo-foam....

Faire's starting soon. I will be going back to doing English Country Dance. Kind of excited about this. Going to try to get a Morris side going too...cause the ladies love a Morris dancer. At least that's what I hear.

I ordered new glasses. Kind of excited about them. Should have them within the next couple of weeks.

Orange Blossom Special just came on the MP3 play-list I'm listening to on the Lappity-toppity machine. Bill Monroe's version. I love it.

I think it's time for a hair cut.

The new teacher at work is super cute.

I really miss my musical instruments. I really need to get hem out of hock. I really need to start playing shows again.

Anyhoo, that's all for now. :)

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