Monday, February 21, 2011


I often wonder what drives people's choices. As I observe the people around me, I puzzle as to the choices they make. Sometimes, I worry. Other times, I just enjoy watching life unfold. I try not to be judgey. Everyone should do what they need to do to get through life, I truly believe that. But they should tender their decisions with wisdom, or at least caution. Regardless of personal desire, one should, at least, weigh consequences. Throwing caution to the wind is not always the best choice to make...

Heidi was a dear friend. She was the person who took me to faire as a participant for the first time. We met at Knott's during one of the summer shows. She was the first of my friends to hold Nora. She came and visited us at the hospital the day after Nora was born. She chatted with us and while she sat, we asked if she wanted to hold was cute, she seemed a little nervous, but in the end took to it with no problem. She passed away about a year later. I was terribly sad. She came to mind the other day because I was watching Firefly. Her younger sister was on one of the episodes I was watching. They share a strong resemblance. I realized that I still miss her very much.

FB keeps amusing me....a friend from college posted a cast picture of the first show I did in college. These memories are always welcome. Though I remember now that I didn't look so good with red hair. :D

Oh, why are you so awesome, The Be Good Tanyas?

Went to the doctor today. Got a shot, poked in the pooper, weighed and measured, and an appointment for a stress test. Last week I went to the optometrist. He told me that, while my prescription hasn't changed too much, I will probably be needing bifocals in the next year or two....I love getting older. :/

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