Thursday, July 2, 2009

OK, so maybe not daily. :D

So I didn't post yesterday. I think I was just being lazy.

I often wonder what people would say if I was as brutally honest as I really want to be. F'rinstance, I really don't care about exercise regimens in prep for anything. There is little less interesting to me than hearing about reps and times and the like.

I was chatting with my friends Megs about this. I have a lot of people as 'friends' on the various internet networking sites to which I belong. I was mentioning to her that a fuckton of those people I have no idea who they are; or I have a really passing familiarity of who they are. Megs said it's because of the job I was doing at the event we work...bunches of people who know who I am, but may not know me directly. I told her I also felt kind of guilty saying no to friend request.

Silly eh? 'Specially when you consider the mild disdain I have for many of those people.

So i decided that I'm going to gradually cull the herd, removing people who are not necessarily friends, but people i know in passing....I mean, they don't even communicate with me directly, you know? So, really, why bother having them on a Flist if all i'm ever going to read is what kind of cheese they are?

I'll get into detail about my disdain for some of these's actually kind of lame, but could make for interesting reading.

This next section will be up daily and have all sorts of different stuff recommended for no other reason than I feel like recommending it! :D

Today's recommendations:

MUSIC: Carlos Gardel - he was an Argentine composer/singer of Tangos. Amazing stuff.
Velocity Girl - great band from the 90's, and not grunge, post punk or whatever, just a good solid band, with a great lead singer.

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